Monday, June 18, 2012

Where am I?

So I tried to reply to Chris' post but I really wanted to post a video which I have now learned you cannot do to a reply so I had to make my own post. 

WOW! What an amazing group of believer's we have in our group. I feel so honored to not only know all of you but to be able to come together and fellowship with you a couple of times a month is truly awesome! I wish that every group could experience what we experience. I feel like other groups aren't making their small group a priority. They let their lives and stuff get in the way of fellowshiping with other believers. I have heard people say "I am too busy to meet with my group." That is so frustrating to hear because honestly who isn't busy. I can honestly say that everyone of us could find something to do every other Sunday evening. I am so glad that we don't because we have come so far in our faith and are learning to listen to God and what He has planned for our lives instead of what we want. My hope is that everyone would join a small group, stick with it for a year and see where they are after that year. I feel like people would be able to open up more, learn more about themselves and others and trust God to work in their lives more. 

Where am I?

This is where I am.

I want to be real, I want to be empty inside.
I wanna be someone laying down my pride.
I want to be someone someday. I need to lay it all down before my King. 
I want to be whole, I want to have purpose inside. 
I want to have virtue and purify my mind.
I want to be set free today and lay it all down before the King. 
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 
I want to be real, I want to be empty inside.
And I know my heart is to feel you near. And I know my life is to do Your Will. It's to do Your Will.
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 
All my life I have seen where You've taken me beyond all I have hoped for and there's more left unseen. 
There's not much I can do to repay all You've done so I give my hands to use. 
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 

Lord, my desire is to let you use me the what You want me to be used. I need to take myself out of the equation and stop worrying about what I want to do. What I need to do is listen and obey to what You want. Lord, empty me and fill me with You and teach me to do Your Will. Thank you for loving me and wanting to do a work in me. I am not worthy of Your love but by Your grace and love you pick me up every time, dust me off and help guide me and help me influence those around me. Amen

Pastor Phil just talked yesterday about how we sometimes don't feel worthy to influence others because of the junk in our lives. We need to think like our brother Paul in Philippians 3:13-14. "...I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." We are all influencing people whether we are aware of it or not. We influence by what we say and don't say and by what we value and don't value. We don't get to choose who we influence but we can choose how we influence. I don't know about you but when I influence someone, especially a child or an unbeliever, I want it to be positive not negative. I want to have God so real and present in my life that people mistake me for Him. Like Paul I have not achieved it nor do I feel close to achieving it but I will look forward to the prize ahead of me that Christ has set out for me. What an amazing God we serve. 

Please take time to listen to "My Desire" by Jeremy Camp. This song has been so uplifting to me and I feel like it fits where we are as a group. 

Love to you all,

Devotions Week of June 18

Read: Matthew 5:1-2

Consider Jesus' posture. He sat on a hillside and spoke to the crowd. Imagine what he would have looked like. Was he sitting with his knees up, resting his elbows or forearms on them, gesturing with his hands as he spoke? Were his legs crossed, hands in his lap or in front of him? Take a moment to paint a mental image of Jesus posture. How do you see him?

What affect does this posture have on the mood or feeling of intimacy during this sermon? He is not likely to be speaking feverishly or wagging his finger at people (though I can't imagine Jesus ever wagged his finger). This type of speech would more likely be accompanied by a standing posture. I imagine a more calm, fire-side chat kind of demeanor. Emotional, compelling, heartfelt.

Listen for a tone and inflection to match your mental image of Jesus. Then, read the whole Sermon on the Mount with that tone and posture in your mind. Try to hear the his words as they were likely originally spoken.

Read Matthew 5:3-10

Instead of simply reading the passage, ask yourself "How" or "Why" for these verses. Asking these simple questions will help reveal the meaning and purpose behind the words spoken by Jesus to his disciples. Reread the following and consider the questions that follow.

5:3 - "Poor" means "poor in spirit." We need God because of our sin nature (Romans 7, 8). "Theirs" is a plural possessive pronoun. Therefore, the Kingdom of God belongs to those who realize they need God. What does this mean? Why does it belong to them, as opposed to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)?

5:7 and Luke 7:37-38 - There are two accounts of The Sermon on the Mount. As is true with most occurrences of multiple accounts, some details are the same in both accounts, some are slightly different, and certain details are included in one account but not the other.

These two passages are unique to the book in which they are written, but they are linked to one another. How are they connected?

5:10 - "...For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Here we have another passage that indicates those to whom the Kingdom of Heaven belongs. The second half of verse 10 is the same as the second half of verse three. Why are these blessings the same?

By contrast, Jesus does not say that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, but he does say that it is for those who are persecuted because of righteousness. What is the distinction? Why is that important?

Read Luke 7:24-26

What is the bottom line here? "Now" is repeated in almost every verse. What point is Jesus making?

Read Matthew 5:13

Salt is a common seasoning today, was in Jesus' day and culture, too. It was inexpensive and very versatile. Used in many dishes, even just a pinch enhances a meal greatly. When salt loses that which makes it such a great addition to a meal, it is worthless. We don't use it anymore.

You are the salt of the earth. If you lose that which enables you to enrich the life of those around you, "you are no longer good for anything." When we adhere to the ways of this world we lose our saltiness and God has no use for us. These are Jesus words.

Pray for God to reveal the things in your life that are causing you to lose saltiness. Ask God to eradicate those things or to put them in their proper place behind Him so that you may continue to be useful to Him. If you need to change direction, repent. Ask God for his strength to be perfected in your weakness and to do a mighty work in you, to you, and through you.

Read Matthew 5:14-16

I can't help but think of the children's song, "This Little Light of Mine" when I read this passage. (And, you are welcome for having it stuck in your head for the rest of the day.) Jesus paints a beautiful word picture here. You are not meant to hide your little light. Don't forget the strength of a single match in a pitch black room. The world is shrouded in darkness. A little light goes a long way. Don't dim your light by living inconsistently. Don't allow the world to put it out. Let it shine.

Try something tonight. When the sun has set and it is nice and dark outside, go into a room with a candle and turn off all the lights. Allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Light the candle. Sit in meditative silence as the light fills the room. Close your eyes for 10 or 20 seconds and open them again. All of a sudden, you can see so much more than before. This is you, be the light in the darkness.

Now imagine that same intensity of darkness, but with a city on a hill as the only visible light. Not a collection of candles, but a city. This our local church body. If your candle can light a room, a city on a hill can light miles and miles of land. We are called to live, pray, and worship in the Body. The illuminating power of Christ is magnified exponentially when we do.

Pray: Father God, make me a light for you. Don't let me grow dim in the darkness. Make "a light before men." Amen.


We will continue with Matthew 5 and excerpts from Luke 7 next time we meet.

Please be in prayer for Sunday.

See you then, at the Hunts' house!

Preparing for Sunday...Devotions

I hope you have all found some time to enjoy the weather, birthdays, Father's Day, vacations, more time with kids, and other blessings for which the summer provides time. I also hope you have had at least some time to read Matthew 5. :)

Daily devotions might be the best way to continue preparing for our time together on Sunday. This will allow each of us a chance to focus on a little bit each day, through reading, reflection, and prayer, to spend time alone with God around the Word in The Sermon on the Mount. So, I will post passages on the blog to read, thoughts to consider, and questions to contemplate. If we each complete one devotion a day, our discussion on Sunday should be rich and enlightening.

Devotions will all be in one post that you can come back to for each day, print and read at your convenience, or take in however is most convenient for you.

I pray that we will all approach this with diligence.



Sunday, June 10, 2012

This Is Me, Where are You?

This is me! Where are you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though our group in its entirety, may be reaching a new level of understanding. An understanding of what God May want for us in each of our lives. It is kind of weird to think that this ragtag group of believers could possibly be the best example of what a small group is supposed to accomplish. Not only accomplish but also strive for. I'm not bragging by any means because I truly believe that God has put the work in here not us, but every other group that I hear about really struggles to find the connection that we have as well as the desire to grow as a group. Why is that do you all think? Its not like God isn't working in their lives or groups. Its definately not like those other groups are busier than we are. So whats the difference? Why is our group thriving in Gods desire for us and other groups are not? Of course I'm not suggesting that personally, representatives of the other groups are not in step with God, I'm just wondering why other groups struggle to connect.

I have so much going on in my head right now that I can't really even figure out what to think. Going back to a year ago or more now, it seems as though God has not only revealed an insane amount of information to me spiritually but also on a physical level as well. I couldn't even begin to tell you all of the examples. So I don't think that I will even try. But I do think a lot of it has to do with actually using the Holy Spirit to help me obey the Holy Spirit. Funny huh? It kind of seems like a "Catch 22" doesn't it? But it is actually much simpler than many believers or non-believers alike would think. Total submission to Gods will is not something that we can just one day know how to do, but to have the "desire" to allow Him to teach us how to submit our lives to Him is something that we can actually choose to just have. Do we want to submit to His will for our lives or don't we? I think that our group, (and I'm quite certain in its entirety) has made that choice to submit to Him and deny our own desires. Wow! That is quite possibly one of the most beautiful things that I have ever witnessed.

This is me! Is it possible that because of that complete submission to Him that He has put me at the front edge of a blessing on my life that may be on the level of bible times. It seems as though His blessings are beginning to reach into other levels of perception that could only be from Him. This may seem a little radical but I'm quite certain that He has great plans to perfect through me. I did not say for me, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be perfectly fine with that fact. Even going back to my Dad's death, some would ask, how can you consider that a blessing? Because God blessed me with the knowledge of knowing where my Dad stood in his faith. Which I had no real knowledge of prior to our group meetings with him. God, teach me to obey your Spirit! I obeyed, He blessed!

Some days I am beginning to wonder how dangerous this full submission really is. I mean, I could comprehend the danger of obeying His Spirit when He said Africa. I knew what that trip really could mean for my family but I obeyed, He blessed! But now I can't quite see what is in front of me anymore and that seems a little more dangerous to me. Not scary anymore, just dangerous. Seminary? Really? Now that just seems a little ridiculous if you ask me. Personally I would have been fine having to brush up on some 7th grade algebra to help my children in a few years but, graduate school? And seminary at that! That is where I'm having a little more difficulty comprehending, BUT, I will obey after more prayer if need be and He will BLESS through that submission.

From God, through me, for Him, he is resonating His presence into others' lives and hearts. I'm not saying that just because my buddy came to church today. Because honestly there were many prayers and discussions from other believers that came into play on that one. But I feel that He(God) and I are working together with other hearts in mind (my mind specifically) for the first time in the history of Chris Heydenburg. Christ has always been focused on hearts. Yeah sure, I have always been pretty thoughtful, maybe, but was not ever really concerned for His church. The hearts of His future church as well as His present church. Which James posted beautifully on last week about "More and Better Disciples".

The last blog I posted was a little difficult for me to write. Painful on both ends. I write this one with great anticipation of what is to come. As Phil said today we are called to more, much more. Sure,
we will stumble, make bad choices, or even allow some foot entanglement, but He will teach us! Jesus, teach me how to obey Your Spirit and submit my life to You!

Where are you? I know that most of you have a lot to say right now. In fact, I know of a couple of you, that know what I am alking about specifically. What has God been teaching you? Have you all surrendered? Are any of you having difficulty surrendering? Trust me, You can't! But He can teach you how if you ask. I think that this blog needs to be lit up! It is absolutely beautful to be involved with a group of believers that are in step with God. Lets take it to the next level of revelation. Lets follow hard after what His next step is, through us,  for Him. WHERE ARE YOU??????????? Jesus, teach me how to obey Your Spirit!