Monday, January 30, 2012

Singing with Jesus

This is the song that came to mind when I was prompted to sing to Jesus this morning over my Reese's Puffs. In the quietness of my house, with everyone else still in bed, I couldn't quite get myself to sing aloud. In my head and in my heart (where it sounds much better, anyway...just like the recording, actually), I sang as much of these words as I could think of.

The thought that always brings me overwhelming joy is knowing that someday I will have eternity to sing to Jesus. In his presence, with a voice I will no longer be self-conscious about, I will sing.

"When we've been there 10,000 years bright, shining as the sun. We'll have no less days to sing our praise than when we'd first begun." What a powerful thought.

I know he doesn't care about what I sound like and that he wants me to sing with abandon right now. I'm getting there.

For now, I am ending my day knowing he hears the song on my heart. I am listening to this song as prompted in the though he is singing it over me. "...a sweet song of his commitment, protection, forgiveness, and favor."

It's funny; I had no idea that the journal would end with those words when I thought of this song this morning. I guess that goes to show...I didn't think of this song. He planted it there. Now, he is sending it to you.

May the love of God cover you tonight, tomorrow, and throughout this week.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 2

I was reading Daniel and really focused on getting it done, which I allowed to keep me from really starting the 'Not a Fan" journal. Now that I am finished, I realize that this journal doesn't take much time at all when done in its prescribed fashion. So, I plan to continue journaling while starting a new devotion.

Day 2
Interruption. I started my day frustrated at myself for denying my shabot two weeks in a row. I went into my classroom last night to work on some lessons and didn't finish. So, instead of spending my afternoon at the school, I went in at 6:00 this morning. I wrestled with giving the whole day to the Lord and "do[ing] everything as unto the Lord," since not going into work would mean starting the week without all of my prep work done.

I ended up at the church an hour early this morning because I don't know how to tell time. So, I chose to view this as a gift rather than an inconvenience. I got a cup of coffee from Starbucks and went back to the church. I spent about 40 minutes adjusting the sound and setting light cues in Kid City before heading to rehearsal.

I guess you could say that God interrupted my day...and I was able to accomplish some work for Him.

I was in my pajamas by 1:00 and took a nap this afternoon. Now, I have some blogging to do, some "work" for Kid City to finish, and will lay low for the rest of the day. All in all, it's a great day.

I will finish my reflection this evening and probably post more tonight. I hope to hear from you all soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Invitation to be an Author

Welcome, Jill! The blog's first official member. What's taking the rest of you so long? Geez, guys. Come on. Get your blog on!

I just emailed everyone invitations to be "authors" for the blog. (Chris - I need your email again...I forgot it already. Sorry.) This will allow each member of our life team to add new posts to the site, rather than just commenting on posts I add.

I look forward to seeing your posts soon!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The First "Not a Fan" Reflection

Day 1

My first day did not go according to the intended outline of journal. I didn't sit down to do my journal entry in the morning. I am reading Daniel right now and want to focus on that. So, I focused on that instead of the "not a fan" journal...rather than doing both. I could have done both. I kind of wish I would have.

I did all of the reflecting and writing at the end of the day. I read what it asked for. I meditated for about 5 minutes, just as it suggested. One major was that my relationship with Jesus is imbalanced. I do not maintain all of the spiritual disciplines I am supposed to in order to call myself a FULLY devoted follower. I am on the way. I am making progress. I pray more than I used to. I read scripture a whole lot more than I used to. I, however, do not spend enough time alone with him, just listening and talking with him. My alone time is spent in the Word, with an agenda. I need to slow down and listen.

My other takeaway came from the meditation exercise. I saw Jesus eyes. Sad. Looking at me with intense sincerity. He called me by name and repeated three times his words from Luke. "Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow me." Hearing that three time forced me to focus on the order. First, he said "deny yourself," then, "take up your cross," and finally, "follow me."

The footnotes in my study Bible talk about denying oneself, but not as much about taking up your own cross. His cross was his burden. That must mean my cross is mine. What burden has God given me to carry for his sake? For the sake of his people?

Danee and I talked about this as we shared each other's responses. It was great. I am looking forward to further reflection, revelation, and surrender.

Where are you in your journal?

Our Life Team Blog

A lot happens when we get together every other Sunday night. We talk, pick, nag, joke, laugh, talk, cry, pray, study, learn, celebrate, sing, and talk. Most of all, we grow. In a spirit of transparency, we lay our imperfections out in front of the group. We honestly admit our shortcomings and allow our group to lift us up. We draw closer to the Lord as we lean on one another.

Inevitably, each evening closes and we stall. We mill around, not wanting Monday to come because Monday brings its own set of issues. Monday morning isn't as safe as Sunday night. We are tempted to be much less like Jesus and much more like everyone else. It is easy to lose the momentum from Sunday night when we are away from that secure, loving environment.

We can't get together every night to keep each other moving along in our journey. We, as it was said Sunday night, have to be in the world without being of the world. We know how hard that is, but we also know that Christ has given us each other to help with that burden. Though we cannot physically come together every day, technology brings us just about the next best thing. Our own blog!

The intent of this blog is to provide an avenue for communication to keep the Sunday night momentum going past Monday morning. We can share prayer requests and praises, updates, funny stories, struggles, successes, and more. More than that, we can come alongside one another in our daily walk with Christ.

Life Teams are meant to bring a bot of accountability to their members. More than accountability, though, we want to bring one another encouragement.

So, let's become fully devoted followers together. More often than twice a month, in a safer place than Facebook, let's walk so close to Christ that we are covered in the dust of the rabbi.

My prayer for you, friends, is this:

"Lord, bless our group. Continue to rain your love on us. Bless the intention behind this blog. Draw us nearer to you and to one another though the writing here. Help us to really use this as a resource to better follow you. In Jesus' name, Amen."