Here are our requests and praises from tonight. Please take these notes as reminders of what was shared and maybe a launching point for prayer. Pray as the spirit leads you, remembering all that was shared and the heart with which it was communicated. If I miss something, please add it in comments.
Let us not take a moment for granted. Thank God for the blessings that we have.
Pray for the Cretsingers as they continue to seek God's guidance for their next steps. Pray for discernment and clarity for their role in missions as they grapple with the decision to resign or continue on. Pray that God would give them peace in the struggle, ears to hear his voice, and eyes to see how he is working in their lives right now, as they seek him.
Pray for Malachi as he fights physical and emotional battles. Pray that God guide doctors in wisdom and that the Holy Spirit rests on Mali and brings him peace.
Aaron's mom is awaiting word from the doctors regarding upcoming surgery. Pray for God's hand in the situation so that she can get the treatment she needs. Pray that through this, she continues to bring glory to God, as she has throughout her battle.
James has a second interview for a specialist position with NHA at 10:00 Monday morning. This is a great opportunity, but comes with a lot of changes. Pray for an ability to be direct, to ask tough questions, and for clarity on what to do next.
Danee's mom got a temp job working for Allegiance doing exactly what she wants to do. She is hoping this will turn into a full time job by the end of September. Praise God for this opportunity. Pray for his blessing on her work.
Jessica passed her Boards. Praise! She gets to start her next phase of schooling in the Fall.
Pray for our church. For unity in leadership, security in finances, and support from members. Pray for the staff. Pray for believers. Pray for seekers. Pray for doubters. Pray for ministries. Pray that the board works in unity as its committees do a lot of work in between each board meeting. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work mightily in every component of what happens at and through our church building.
Pray for the Giroux family, Brian, Billie, and Brody. Praise God for the outpouring of love the Body of Christ has given. As we move on, pray for the Body to continue to work because adjusting to being a family of three will be very hard. Pray that God will draw people close to him through Birklee's death and the celebration of her life.
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