Wednesday, September 26, 2012

October 26

Hi all, Dave said the church is free on Friday, October 26. I am checking to make sure James, Chris & Aaron will all be available that night for the benefit/concert. I don't think many are checking the blog these days, but I don't have everyone's email addresses. Please let me know if this date will work for you all. Dave suggested 8:00 for the start time.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Still on?

Hi all, just checking to see if we are going to still try to do a "concert" and help raise funds for JDRF. If so, I wondered if we might be able to discuss plans, especially figuring out a date.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Want a New Drug

Ok, I have to be a little honest with all of you. I sometimes think that it would be so fantastic to have everything that I could ever dream of. A nice car collection, a couple of vacation homes ( one on a beach, one in the mountains) ( oh, and with lots of land to go with that), more money in the bank than I would really ever need, and of course a beautiful women by my side, well I actually already have that...... Oh..... how sweet!!!!! I know, thats what your all thinking. The perfect family, the perfect life, and the perfect future all right there before me with nothing to worry about but wondering if I shut the garage door to my second three car garage at my beach house in the "Hamptons". I just said that with a British accent, I thought it would sound more fitting for the Hamptons.  Of course I could always have my butler check the garage door for me, Whew! I'm glad I thought of that. The problem is, would that dream ever really be enough to satisfy me? Or you?

The biggest problem with that is, not once did I hint on the desperation and desire to have Christ leading my life. Why? Unless we somehow "inherit" some part of that dream life, chasing that dream would not allow any  room for God in my life. Maybe it is just as bad for us to chase that dream as it is to have accomplished that dream. This isn't really even " The American Dream" anymore, its beyond that, really its just frivolous. Unknowingly, or maybe even knowing slightly, I was there. I chased hard after that dream. I may have even been attaining it to an extent, but wasn't satisfied. I had no expectations or goals that needed to be met, but none the less, still wasn't really satisfying that desire to be safe, secure, oh...... and have anything that my little heart desires. What an IDIOT!!!! I was. In the moment, it was really difficult to see that those desires were ours, not His. Again, it was never our intention, but guess what, it wasn't the right dream. Not a lot of Spirit guidance in our lives at that time.

He has a better dream for us! One that has the most saught after locations. All the homes are mansions and the streets are made of gold. Our most valuable commodity on this earth, and He laid the streets with it. All of a sudden, where I live or what I live in, what I drive or what I want to drive doesn't seem quite so spectacular anymore. This dream that so many of us strive for and work so diligently for is so BORING!!!when compared to our heavenly home that we someday get to return to. I know for a fact that my dream is a lot less inspiring than His reality.

So why do we forget that? Even now that I am much closer with His Spirit and I can actually see the path that He is lighting for me, I can still forget. My desires and wants tend to creep back in and block out a little bit of His light. So is it wrong for us to have some of these things? Maybe. Is it wrong for us to want some of these things? Maybe. Is it wrong for us to justify some of these things? Maybe. ( I'm really good at that one) I strongly believe that God absolutely wants us to live our earthly lives here to its fullest. I strongly believe that He wants to bless us financially, materially, and physically. However, I most strongly believe that He wants to bless our Spirits far more than anything that this earth can provide. Having that knowledge also shows me why He is not necessarily just going to give us the one thing that He knows will literally destroy us all. All of the junk that over time will seperate us from Him.

On a daily basis, we all experience a battle in a war that was already won for us. None the less we all still  wage on. Our Spirit that Christ owns and has redeemed, is seeking to empower us and fulfill all of our earthly desires by lifting our focus above those desires and on to Him and His Gory. Our mind and flesh, however, is still in the realm of this earth and as such can still be deceived by the devils temptations. The devils deceptions and strongholds are the reasons why we can lose focus from time to time. Simply put, with the best intentions, we can still go from wanting His desires for us to wanting our desires without even realizing it. So does the battle necessarily have to continue here in this life? Can we be completely sanctified while we wait for our homecoming? I'm not completely sure on that one but I do know that Christ left us [so] we could have authority over all demonic oppression and utilize the power of Christ' holy name and overcome those pitfalls in our lives.

So again I go back to the rhetorical question of is it ok to have all of the things that I mentioned earlier? Absolutely, providing that your heart is for His church, His sick, His homeless, and most importantly His Glory!!!! Is it ok to desire and reach toward some of those things that I mentioned earlier? Absolutely, providing that your core desire is to be completely Spirit lead and conviction leads to obediance.

For me, He has allowed me to learn a beautiful lesson. He does want to bless my family financially, and will, providing our hearts are prepared to pass those blessings on and He would be Glorified. He does want to bless my family materially, and will, providing that our family is prepared to use those gifts to bring joy to others and He would be Glorified. He does want to bless my family physically, and will, providing that our hearts break as His does for the lost and broken of this world, and He would be Glorified. He does want to bless my family SPIRITUALLY without limit, and will, providing that we continue to live a Spirit lead and obediant life so that when He asks us to follow wherever and into whatever, we go.

A "couple" of the guys and I talked about some blindspots in our lives. The question was raised to what some of those may be for each of us. For a long time in my life the idea of  that desire for stuff and security was absolutely a blindspot in mine. I knew that and learned that prior to this particular discussion but reflecting back on it since, I have realized that this revelation was in and of itself one of the greatest blessings that He has gifted me with. With that gift I learned that He is the fulfillment of all desires! He can make us content with nothing! He also is [THE] provider of all things and because of that wants nothing more than to bless us with the most He has to offer. That may include things of this world but it also may not, because He will not give us anything that we could desire more than Him! We as parents would never willingly allow our kids to have something they desire more than anything knowing all to well that it would harm them or even worse cost them their lives. Yet the devil tries to decieve us into thinking, "I know what I need, I know what I can handle". Guess what, I don't know but I AM does! The Great I AM will fulfill my families needs and desires!

There is saftey in His light. There is freedom in His light. Most of all, there is a future supreme BLESSING in His light!!!

If  all of our desires are not Him and for His Glory,  than they really are no different than a fix of heroin! We will never find that one fix that satisfies us. Christ can satisfy us beyond what we could ever dream of and will!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Footnotes from James 1

I have been reading from the book of James this week. As part of my studying, I read through the footnotes in my Life Application Study Bible. I want to share some with you all. I  hope these (all from chapter 1) can give you something to meditate on as you spend time with God.


Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances. 

We can't really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure.

God does not tempt us. He tests us. He allows Satan to tempt us so that we can refine our faith and grow in dependence on Christ.

If your faith is weak or struggling, remember that you can trust God. Then be loyal to him. To stabilize your wavering or doubtful mind, commit yourself wholeheartedly to God.

To learn God's will, we need to read God's Word and obey it. Then we must do what what he tells us. 

It is important to listen to what God's Word says, but it is much more important to DO what it says.

We can measure the effectiveness of our Bible study time by the effect is has on our behavior and attitude. Do you put into action what you have studied?

Thank God for being with you in rough times. Ask him to help you solve your problems or to give you the strength to endure them. Then be patient. God will not leave you along with your problems; he will stay close and help you grow. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Prayer Requests and Praises

Here are our requests and praises from tonight. Please take these notes as reminders of what was shared and maybe a launching point for prayer. Pray as the spirit leads you, remembering all that was shared and the heart with which it was communicated. If I miss something, please add it in comments.

Let us not take a moment for granted. Thank God for the blessings that we have.

Pray for the Cretsingers as they continue to seek God's guidance for their next steps. Pray for discernment and clarity for their role in missions as they grapple with the decision to resign or continue on. Pray that God would give them peace in the struggle, ears to hear his voice, and eyes to see how he is working in their lives right now, as they seek him.

Pray for Malachi as he fights physical and emotional battles. Pray that God guide doctors in wisdom and that the Holy Spirit rests on Mali and brings him peace.

Aaron's mom is awaiting word from the doctors regarding upcoming surgery. Pray for God's hand in the situation so that she can get the treatment she needs. Pray that through this, she continues to bring glory to God, as she has throughout her battle.

James has a second interview for a specialist position with NHA at 10:00 Monday morning. This is a great opportunity, but comes with a lot of changes. Pray for an ability to be direct, to ask tough questions, and for clarity on what to do next.

Danee's mom got a temp job working for Allegiance doing exactly what she wants to do. She is hoping this will turn into a full time job by the end of September. Praise God for this opportunity. Pray for his blessing on her work.

Jessica passed her Boards. Praise! She gets to start her next phase of schooling in the Fall.

Pray for our church. For unity in leadership, security in finances, and support from members. Pray for the staff. Pray for believers. Pray for seekers. Pray for doubters. Pray for ministries. Pray that the board works in unity as its committees do a lot of work in between each board meeting. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work mightily in every component of what happens at and through our church building.

Pray for the Giroux family, Brian, Billie, and Brody. Praise God for the outpouring of love the Body of Christ has given. As we move on, pray for the Body to continue to work because adjusting to being a family of three will be very hard. Pray that God will draw people close to him through Birklee's death and the celebration of her life.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Devotions Week of 8-5-12

Read: Matthew 7:1-6

Consider: "Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy," (NLT) or "Don't give what is sacred to dogs." Coming off of the spec and plank lesson, what does this mean? If we are meant to save the lost and be light to the darkness, why would Jesus give this instruction? Obviously these is meaning behind this richer than what we gather scratching at the surface.

What is it?

Pray: Ask God to speak to you about Matthew 7:6. Ask for his guidance into study tools and resources so you can learn more about what this means. Read the scripture around this verse and take it in its entire context. Ask God to speak to you about this verse this week.

Read: Matthew 7:7-11

Consider: Imagine it is your son's birthday. He is excited to open the presents he sees piled up in the corner. As he tears through the wrapping paper, giggling and looking at you with loving anticipation, he finds an moldy, stinky, old piece of bread. "But, Dad, I wanted _________." Whatever fits the blank for your son, it probably isn't moldy old bread.

God isn't going to delight in pranking you. He doesn't give us rotten gifts when we ask for things we genuinely need. When we come to him in earnest and ask for things in his name, we will deliver. It's not always in the way WE want and we don't always get exactly what we pray for. However, our Father in heaven knows what we need and will give us what he knows in his sovereignty to be what is best for us.

The next time you give your child a gift and watch him or her delight, or the next time you answer his or her petition for something a little different than your precious little one would prefer, think about the way your Heavenly Father cares for your needs.

Pray: Ask God to send his Spirit to you. Ask for increasing awareness of His presence with you every moment. Pray for the commitment to stay in step with the Spirit in the day to day, knowing that He will give you everything you need.

Read: Matthew 7:12

Consider: How many times have we all used the Golden Rule retroactively to say, "Would you like getting kicked in the shins? No? Well, then don't kick your brother." This is not how the lesson was originally delivered, though. This is a lesson about how to live, not how to react. Jesus already taught about forgiveness.

Jesus follows this simple, yet powerful statement by linking it with the new commandment, "this is the essence of the law and the prophets," which he already said he came to fulfill. Love God, love others.

Pray: Living out the new commandment through the way we treat others is "the essence" of God's will for our lives. Pray that God's love and grace will manifest itself in the way you treat others.

Read: Matthew 7:13-14, 21-23

Consider: "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car." I read this on my niece's Facebook page recently and thought that it could be interpreted two ways. 1) You don't have to go to church to be a Christian, and 2) it is not okay to say you are a Christian just because you go to church.

Both of those interpretations scare me because they capture prevalent thinking in our culture that are related the these verses from Matthew. So many people around us say they are Christians, but don't follow Christ. So many people think they are in the light, but are actually in darkness (and Matthew 6 says, "then, how great that darkness"). When I think of the millions of people to whom this applies, I feel sick. I am scared for them.

What makes the gate that leads to life narrow? Why is the road difficult to travel? If prophesying and casting out demons don't cut the mustard, what does? What does it look like to travel the road and enter through the narrow gate?

Pray: What does it mean to follow Jesus? How do we make disciples of the nations? Ask God to speak to you clearly about

Read: Matthew 7:24-27, then reread the entire Sermon on the Mount (chapter 5-7)

Consider: What perspective do Jesus final words from the Sermon on the Mount give to the entire message? Why would these be the final words recorded for this important collection of teachings?

Pray: There is so much to learn from Jesus words in these chapters in Matthew and Luke. Pray that God will bring you back to the words of our Savior in these and other places throughout scripture. Pray that he would give you renewed perspectives and insights as you continue to grow in depth of knowledge of our Lord.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jonah's surgery

Hi all,

I hope all is well with you and your families. I just wanted to update you all on Jonah's surgery. He is getting tubes put in both ears at 8:45 tomorrow morning. The doctor said the surgery should be no longer than 15 minutes. Please just pray for a quick, successful surgery and for our little Jonah's healing.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Who's the Boss?

So I got the big packet in the mail while we were on vacation. It comes every July. The 10x12 envelope, branded with NHA's logo and the name of my beloved school. Inside? The calendar for the upcoming year and a form letter containing the all-important salary and bonus information.

Usually, I know what's coming, how I fared, and have had time to process. This year, no information was shared before the arrival of the all-important envelope. I forced myself to read through the universally-applicable nature of the letter and ignore the boldface type pulling my eyeballs down the page.

When I finally got to the magic number, it was equivalent to 50% less than the lowest compensation I have ever received from NHA (minus my transition year from dean to teacher). My initial reaction was less than Biblical. While I refrained from vocalizing the words that were swimming through my mind, I was confronted with a real conflict of priorities.

So, gut-check time set in about ten minutes after I seriously thought about sending a letter to my boss for a "help me understand" conversation. I decided to check my email (work and personal) as a means to keep myself from stewing. I don't know if it was reading emails from Phil, Dalton, and Dave and thinking about the ways I serve through the ministries they oversee, if it was just God's still small voice, or if it was a combination of these things, but I quickly settled down and said aloud (in an empty room at 11:00 pm), "you can't serve both God and money." This came so shortly after I said to Danee, "I have never felt so insulted and unappreciated in my entire career."

Perspective is everything. Who do I work for? For who's approval to I strive? How is His approval measured? What compensation does he offer?

Honestly, right now (and I imagine from now on) I don't even care what the bottom line says. I have been given everything I need from "him who is able to do more than [I] can ever hope or imagine."

My peace isn't in the "be grateful for what you have, lots of people don't have a job, that's more of a raise than others get" kind of worldly thinking. My peace comes from the reminder I got tonight that I don't work for man or for myself. The more I look to men for the measure of my worth, the more I limit myself to this earth. To truly seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, I must honestly and fully work for the King.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Devotions Week of 7-15-12

Read: Matthew 5:48

Consider: Recall what we discussed about the word "perfect" when we last met. God wants his people to be set apart, noticeably different from the culture in which we reside. After all, we are alien residents of this world if we truly live in (and for) the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pray: Ask God to reveal how Jesus' words show us how to be different, set apart, holy. Pray that his truth resonate with you as you live your life for him this week.

Read: Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18

Consider: Jesus identifies three different practices here that, in their truest form, are  beautiful acts of worship. He also gives a warning with each. How are these warnings similar? Why are they important? Have you ever put yourself in a position so people would notice you praying, giving to the needy, or fasting? Have you ever been disappointed when you didn't receive accolades for doing these things?

PrayListen to "Garden" by NeedtoBreathe. If you don't have the song handy, look it up on YouTube. The words speak from a sincere desire to give yourself to Christ, modeling his own example of obedience. 

As you listen, pray that God would grant you an attitude of humble obedience and the ability to deny yourself so that he may be glorified through your words and actions. 

Read: Matthew 6:9-15

Consider: The word "as" in 6:12 means, in the original language, "in the same manner." Therefore, when we pray, we are to ask God to forgive our sins in the same manner in which we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. 

Think for a moment about what that means. We know that our sins are separated from us as far as the east is from the west. God counts forgiven sins as forgotten. He doesn't hold grudges, remind you of when you messed up in the past, or save your past sins to use as leverage when he needs something from you. He doesn't lord sins over you, look at you shamefully when you repeat a previously forgiven sin, or tell everyone about how you wronged him. 

When God forgives you, he wipes the slate clean and thinks about it no more. THAT is how we are to forgive others. Powerful, releasing, self-denying forgiveness. 

Pray: Thank God for his amazing grace and loving forgiveness. Pray for the ability to forgive others with your whole heart. Pray for the ability to release the sin and never think of it again. Pray that you can give with the same measure that was given to you. 

Read: Matthew 6:25-33

Consider: Who of you by worrying has added one day to your life? When we worry, we display a lack of trust in God. Do you trust him with your kids? Your spouse? Your drive to work? What about your bills? Your schedule? Your in-laws?

What if we replace the word worry with the word stress? Stress reveals the same lack of trust in God's provision.

Think back over your past five days. What has stressed you out? What has worried you? How often did you go to God about those things? How often did you go to him before you started stressing or worrying? 

Pray: Pray for trust. Ask God to reveal what it is that causes you stress and give that to God. Ask him to take it and do with it whatever he wants. Thank God that he is in control so you don't have to be.

Read: Matthew 6:33

Consider: What are your priorities? After what things in life do you chase? Look at your calendar and your checkbook. What do these tell you about your priorities?

The word "first" in Matthew 6:33 refers to primacy, priority. It is not an ordinal number, like "do this first, do that second." Jesus is telling us that seeking God's Kingdom and his righteousness needs to be the number one priority in our life. It needs to take precedence over everything else. When we do that, everything else will be taken care of. He will clothe us, feed us, supply our every need.

Pray: Pray for God to fill you with a desire to seek FIRST his Kingdom and his righteousness. Pray for the desire to long for Jesus above all else. Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken in you such a longing for the Kingdom of God that all else will leave you empty, reminding you that He is the only thing in life that can fully satisfy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I just wanted to send an update on my praises and prayer requests. I have an interview at SAU tomorrow morning at 10:00. Please pray that God's will be in full command of that meeting and that, whatever his will is, that I am able to glorify him in my pursuit of it.

I also just finished my application to NNU. I am super excited!

Chris - this is the link for the page you will need. The application can be found by following the appropriate link on the left margin of the page.


Praise Night?

Hello all,

This is my first time actually posting on the blog! I have something I am hoping you guys will be up for. Remember the praise night we held a couple of years ago in the commons? I know when we originally planned that, we talked about possibly asking for donations for Robert to do Soles 4 Souls and that ended up changing because the trip didn't work out. My question is, first of all, would you guys be willing to do another praise night? Secondly, if you guys are up for it, could we do it to try and raise funds for my niece's team for JDRF? This is our second year of being involved with JDRF and our team is way behind on the fundraising. I know we had talked about trying to do some community outreach this summer, and this is probably not what anyone had in mind, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. So think about it, pray about it and maybe we can talk about it at our next meeting.

Also, here is a video my sister made for Ava.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Devotions, Week of July 1

The devotions this week include fewer direct questions, but more to think about and more to pray about. Please enter these devotions each day with an open heart. Allow God to speak to you through these words, as I have prayed that they be His words to share. I hope that you are blessed as you study the words of our Savior this week. 

Love and Blessings, Friends. 


Read: Matthew 5:17-20

Consider:  People like to prioritize things in their lives. What things matter the most, what things are urgent as opposed to important, which things are not important at all. We like to find the bottom line. What few things do we need to focus on in order to get the results we are after? Apparently, this isn’t just true of our present culture, but was also relevant when Jesus spoke on the Mount.
No part of the Law is less important to God than another. Therefore, when Jesus says, “the smallest letter,” and, “least of these commands,” he is not suggesting that God has ranked them. He is speaking to man’s desire to do that himself. Since we would all prioritize the Law differently (given the opportunity) Jesus covers all the bases by saying that NOTHING in the Law will “by any means disappear until everything is accomplished.”

Jesus did not come to tear down, undo, or change the Law (of Moses) or what the Prophets had foretold. By his own words, we know he had come to fulfill both the Law and the Prophets…to the fullest extent possible. Jesus gives a strong command in these verses. We are to adhere to the Law, even the parts we humans may deem mere details or “the least” in value. Moreover, we are to do so with an authenticity that penetrates all areas of our lives. We are to be clean inside and out, unlike the Pharisees who Jesus himself likened to coffins, beautiful on the outside and full of rotting flesh on the inside.

Pray: Jesus gave us a new command that covered the Law and the Prophets. Love God. Love others. That is not to blot out the old covenant, but to fulfill it. We are to be filled with love for God so much that it bleeds out in our love for others. The Lord’s Prayer calls us to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth, not to hold out for the Kingdom when we leave Earth.
Ask God for thorough adherence to Jesus’ teachings and ministry. Ask Him to enable you to teach others through your words and your example. With sincerity, pray that God makes you a “light to shine before men.”

Read: Matthew 5:21-26

Consider: Verse 23 begins with one of those all-important conjunctions, “therefore.” This signals connection between the preceding verses and the ones to come. If you read right over that word without it jumping out at you (which I have often done), stop here. Go back and read this passage again, focusing on the connection between 5:21-22 and 5:23-26.

The tendency when we hear those first two verses is to think, I should not be angry with anyone because it is the same in Jesus’ eyes as murder. However, I don’t think that was the intention here. Jesus says, “therefore,” and follows with a call to action. This call is not for repentance. He doesn’t say, “Don’t be angry, for you will be subject to judgment.” He says, “Anyone who is angry with his brother” and then he calls us to go forgive anyone who is angry with us before we come to the Lord and make our offering. We are to extend grace and thusly play a part in freeing others from judgment so that we can bring our best to God. If we are the cause for someone’s anger, whether we feel it is justified or not, it is our responsibility to release them from the judgment to which they are captive at that time. God does not want us bringing an offering to him that is tainted because we have not presented the key to someone else’s freedom.

I do not mean to suggest that we have the power to release anyone from judgment, as this happens purely through the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do have the power to release others from anger, though, which creates an avenue for Christ to do his work.

Pray: Spend some time meditating on this perspective of Jesus’ words. Thank Christ for the opportunity to be his vessel. Thank him for the opportunity to help save people from judgment by extending Christ-like forgiveness. Then, ask God for the strength, through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, to deliver on this forgiveness when push comes to shove.

Read: Matthew 5:38-48, Luke 27-42

Verse 27 in the Gospel of Luke marks a transition in Jesus’ audience. When he says, “I tell you who hear me,” it indicates, according to John Wesley, that Jesus is now speaking to a general audience, whereas he had previously been speaking to a specific group (as we had discussed at our last meeting).

Consider: Everything Jesus is saying here is rooted in love. First, he speaks of love in restraint. Returning evil for evil would be to deny acts of love in the face of adversity. Then he speaks of love in giving. Give more than is expected. Withholding giving or simply giving only what is expected would hide love. Though it wouldn’t be denied, it would not be obviously visible. Christ’s love is obviously visible.

Jesus speaks of hard love. Love that goes against our sin nature. Loving everyone, even those who you would call your enemies.

What connection does this message of love have to Jesus words from Matthew 5:21-26?

If we consider someone our enemy, how does that go against what Jesus teaches us about hatred?

Jesus’ message of love in Luke 6:37-42 speaks of love through authenticity and honesty. It speaks of love through a lens of humility. It can be difficult to see our own failings, especially when someone else points them out to us. Ironically, the things that bother us most about other people are often things that we struggle with ourselves.

Pray: Ask God to reveal the plank(s) in your eye by recalling the piece(s) of sawdust you have seen in others’ eye(s). Ask first for God’s forgiveness if any judgment was passed. Then ask for his guiding hand as you work to remove the plank from your own eye. After all, it has to be hard to see with a plank in your eye.  

Read: Luke 6:43-45

Consider: So much of what Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount is about inside-out change. This is the only change that will last. It is the only change that will enable us to be the salt of the earth, drawing people to him through authentically following the Master.

Outside-in change, by contrast, breeds contradiction and hypocrisy. Trying to bear good fruit when our tree is bad just won’t work. We aren’t fooling anyone, except maybe ourselves. “For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”

So, how do we nurture our roots in order to make our tree good? What does it take to ensure our tree is planted in fertile soil?

Pray: Pray for honest revelation. How is your soil? How is your tree? How is your fruit? Ask God to speak boldly to you and, where it is needed, pray for conviction. Pray for the courage to share where you are when we meet on Sunday. This is where our group can bring love, support, and accountability for spiritual growth to one another. This is where we get to nurture each other’s soil and trees.

Read: Luke 6:46-49, 40 & Matthew 5:48

Consider: We know that we are not meant to be “perfect” in the sense that we are completely without flaw. Our sin nature makes that impossible. The translation of the word from the original language means, “finished, complete, pure, holy.” Think of what Jesus says about being a student and following his teachings. Then consider our call to be perfect.
What does Jesus mean when he calls us to be “perfect”?

Pray: “Our Father in Heaven: Holy, Holy, Holy is Your name. Ignite in us the devotion and authenticity to bring about your Kingdom and your will here in this land. Give us the physical and spiritual nurturing we need to live fully for you each day. Keep us burning brightly for you, not allowing darkness to crowd out your light. Strengthen us in your amazing love, grace, and the example you gave us in your Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.” 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Where am I?

So I tried to reply to Chris' post but I really wanted to post a video which I have now learned you cannot do to a reply so I had to make my own post. 

WOW! What an amazing group of believer's we have in our group. I feel so honored to not only know all of you but to be able to come together and fellowship with you a couple of times a month is truly awesome! I wish that every group could experience what we experience. I feel like other groups aren't making their small group a priority. They let their lives and stuff get in the way of fellowshiping with other believers. I have heard people say "I am too busy to meet with my group." That is so frustrating to hear because honestly who isn't busy. I can honestly say that everyone of us could find something to do every other Sunday evening. I am so glad that we don't because we have come so far in our faith and are learning to listen to God and what He has planned for our lives instead of what we want. My hope is that everyone would join a small group, stick with it for a year and see where they are after that year. I feel like people would be able to open up more, learn more about themselves and others and trust God to work in their lives more. 

Where am I?

This is where I am.

I want to be real, I want to be empty inside.
I wanna be someone laying down my pride.
I want to be someone someday. I need to lay it all down before my King. 
I want to be whole, I want to have purpose inside. 
I want to have virtue and purify my mind.
I want to be set free today and lay it all down before the King. 
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 
I want to be real, I want to be empty inside.
And I know my heart is to feel you near. And I know my life is to do Your Will. It's to do Your Will.
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 
All my life I have seen where You've taken me beyond all I have hoped for and there's more left unseen. 
There's not much I can do to repay all You've done so I give my hands to use. 
This is my desire. This is my return. This is my desire to be used by You. 

Lord, my desire is to let you use me the what You want me to be used. I need to take myself out of the equation and stop worrying about what I want to do. What I need to do is listen and obey to what You want. Lord, empty me and fill me with You and teach me to do Your Will. Thank you for loving me and wanting to do a work in me. I am not worthy of Your love but by Your grace and love you pick me up every time, dust me off and help guide me and help me influence those around me. Amen

Pastor Phil just talked yesterday about how we sometimes don't feel worthy to influence others because of the junk in our lives. We need to think like our brother Paul in Philippians 3:13-14. "...I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." We are all influencing people whether we are aware of it or not. We influence by what we say and don't say and by what we value and don't value. We don't get to choose who we influence but we can choose how we influence. I don't know about you but when I influence someone, especially a child or an unbeliever, I want it to be positive not negative. I want to have God so real and present in my life that people mistake me for Him. Like Paul I have not achieved it nor do I feel close to achieving it but I will look forward to the prize ahead of me that Christ has set out for me. What an amazing God we serve. 

Please take time to listen to "My Desire" by Jeremy Camp. This song has been so uplifting to me and I feel like it fits where we are as a group. 

Love to you all,

Devotions Week of June 18

Read: Matthew 5:1-2

Consider Jesus' posture. He sat on a hillside and spoke to the crowd. Imagine what he would have looked like. Was he sitting with his knees up, resting his elbows or forearms on them, gesturing with his hands as he spoke? Were his legs crossed, hands in his lap or in front of him? Take a moment to paint a mental image of Jesus posture. How do you see him?

What affect does this posture have on the mood or feeling of intimacy during this sermon? He is not likely to be speaking feverishly or wagging his finger at people (though I can't imagine Jesus ever wagged his finger). This type of speech would more likely be accompanied by a standing posture. I imagine a more calm, fire-side chat kind of demeanor. Emotional, compelling, heartfelt.

Listen for a tone and inflection to match your mental image of Jesus. Then, read the whole Sermon on the Mount with that tone and posture in your mind. Try to hear the his words as they were likely originally spoken.

Read Matthew 5:3-10

Instead of simply reading the passage, ask yourself "How" or "Why" for these verses. Asking these simple questions will help reveal the meaning and purpose behind the words spoken by Jesus to his disciples. Reread the following and consider the questions that follow.

5:3 - "Poor" means "poor in spirit." We need God because of our sin nature (Romans 7, 8). "Theirs" is a plural possessive pronoun. Therefore, the Kingdom of God belongs to those who realize they need God. What does this mean? Why does it belong to them, as opposed to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)?

5:7 and Luke 7:37-38 - There are two accounts of The Sermon on the Mount. As is true with most occurrences of multiple accounts, some details are the same in both accounts, some are slightly different, and certain details are included in one account but not the other.

These two passages are unique to the book in which they are written, but they are linked to one another. How are they connected?

5:10 - "...For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Here we have another passage that indicates those to whom the Kingdom of Heaven belongs. The second half of verse 10 is the same as the second half of verse three. Why are these blessings the same?

By contrast, Jesus does not say that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, but he does say that it is for those who are persecuted because of righteousness. What is the distinction? Why is that important?

Read Luke 7:24-26

What is the bottom line here? "Now" is repeated in almost every verse. What point is Jesus making?

Read Matthew 5:13

Salt is a common seasoning today, was in Jesus' day and culture, too. It was inexpensive and very versatile. Used in many dishes, even just a pinch enhances a meal greatly. When salt loses that which makes it such a great addition to a meal, it is worthless. We don't use it anymore.

You are the salt of the earth. If you lose that which enables you to enrich the life of those around you, "you are no longer good for anything." When we adhere to the ways of this world we lose our saltiness and God has no use for us. These are Jesus words.

Pray for God to reveal the things in your life that are causing you to lose saltiness. Ask God to eradicate those things or to put them in their proper place behind Him so that you may continue to be useful to Him. If you need to change direction, repent. Ask God for his strength to be perfected in your weakness and to do a mighty work in you, to you, and through you.

Read Matthew 5:14-16

I can't help but think of the children's song, "This Little Light of Mine" when I read this passage. (And, you are welcome for having it stuck in your head for the rest of the day.) Jesus paints a beautiful word picture here. You are not meant to hide your little light. Don't forget the strength of a single match in a pitch black room. The world is shrouded in darkness. A little light goes a long way. Don't dim your light by living inconsistently. Don't allow the world to put it out. Let it shine.

Try something tonight. When the sun has set and it is nice and dark outside, go into a room with a candle and turn off all the lights. Allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Light the candle. Sit in meditative silence as the light fills the room. Close your eyes for 10 or 20 seconds and open them again. All of a sudden, you can see so much more than before. This is you, be the light in the darkness.

Now imagine that same intensity of darkness, but with a city on a hill as the only visible light. Not a collection of candles, but a city. This our local church body. If your candle can light a room, a city on a hill can light miles and miles of land. We are called to live, pray, and worship in the Body. The illuminating power of Christ is magnified exponentially when we do.

Pray: Father God, make me a light for you. Don't let me grow dim in the darkness. Make "a light before men." Amen.


We will continue with Matthew 5 and excerpts from Luke 7 next time we meet.

Please be in prayer for Sunday.

See you then, at the Hunts' house!

Preparing for Sunday...Devotions

I hope you have all found some time to enjoy the weather, birthdays, Father's Day, vacations, more time with kids, and other blessings for which the summer provides time. I also hope you have had at least some time to read Matthew 5. :)

Daily devotions might be the best way to continue preparing for our time together on Sunday. This will allow each of us a chance to focus on a little bit each day, through reading, reflection, and prayer, to spend time alone with God around the Word in The Sermon on the Mount. So, I will post passages on the blog to read, thoughts to consider, and questions to contemplate. If we each complete one devotion a day, our discussion on Sunday should be rich and enlightening.

Devotions will all be in one post that you can come back to for each day, print and read at your convenience, or take in however is most convenient for you.

I pray that we will all approach this with diligence.



Sunday, June 10, 2012

This Is Me, Where are You?

This is me! Where are you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though our group in its entirety, may be reaching a new level of understanding. An understanding of what God May want for us in each of our lives. It is kind of weird to think that this ragtag group of believers could possibly be the best example of what a small group is supposed to accomplish. Not only accomplish but also strive for. I'm not bragging by any means because I truly believe that God has put the work in here not us, but every other group that I hear about really struggles to find the connection that we have as well as the desire to grow as a group. Why is that do you all think? Its not like God isn't working in their lives or groups. Its definately not like those other groups are busier than we are. So whats the difference? Why is our group thriving in Gods desire for us and other groups are not? Of course I'm not suggesting that personally, representatives of the other groups are not in step with God, I'm just wondering why other groups struggle to connect.

I have so much going on in my head right now that I can't really even figure out what to think. Going back to a year ago or more now, it seems as though God has not only revealed an insane amount of information to me spiritually but also on a physical level as well. I couldn't even begin to tell you all of the examples. So I don't think that I will even try. But I do think a lot of it has to do with actually using the Holy Spirit to help me obey the Holy Spirit. Funny huh? It kind of seems like a "Catch 22" doesn't it? But it is actually much simpler than many believers or non-believers alike would think. Total submission to Gods will is not something that we can just one day know how to do, but to have the "desire" to allow Him to teach us how to submit our lives to Him is something that we can actually choose to just have. Do we want to submit to His will for our lives or don't we? I think that our group, (and I'm quite certain in its entirety) has made that choice to submit to Him and deny our own desires. Wow! That is quite possibly one of the most beautiful things that I have ever witnessed.

This is me! Is it possible that because of that complete submission to Him that He has put me at the front edge of a blessing on my life that may be on the level of bible times. It seems as though His blessings are beginning to reach into other levels of perception that could only be from Him. This may seem a little radical but I'm quite certain that He has great plans to perfect through me. I did not say for me, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be perfectly fine with that fact. Even going back to my Dad's death, some would ask, how can you consider that a blessing? Because God blessed me with the knowledge of knowing where my Dad stood in his faith. Which I had no real knowledge of prior to our group meetings with him. God, teach me to obey your Spirit! I obeyed, He blessed!

Some days I am beginning to wonder how dangerous this full submission really is. I mean, I could comprehend the danger of obeying His Spirit when He said Africa. I knew what that trip really could mean for my family but I obeyed, He blessed! But now I can't quite see what is in front of me anymore and that seems a little more dangerous to me. Not scary anymore, just dangerous. Seminary? Really? Now that just seems a little ridiculous if you ask me. Personally I would have been fine having to brush up on some 7th grade algebra to help my children in a few years but, graduate school? And seminary at that! That is where I'm having a little more difficulty comprehending, BUT, I will obey after more prayer if need be and He will BLESS through that submission.

From God, through me, for Him, he is resonating His presence into others' lives and hearts. I'm not saying that just because my buddy came to church today. Because honestly there were many prayers and discussions from other believers that came into play on that one. But I feel that He(God) and I are working together with other hearts in mind (my mind specifically) for the first time in the history of Chris Heydenburg. Christ has always been focused on hearts. Yeah sure, I have always been pretty thoughtful, maybe, but was not ever really concerned for His church. The hearts of His future church as well as His present church. Which James posted beautifully on last week about "More and Better Disciples".

The last blog I posted was a little difficult for me to write. Painful on both ends. I write this one with great anticipation of what is to come. As Phil said today we are called to more, much more. Sure,
we will stumble, make bad choices, or even allow some foot entanglement, but He will teach us! Jesus, teach me how to obey Your Spirit and submit my life to You!

Where are you? I know that most of you have a lot to say right now. In fact, I know of a couple of you, that know what I am alking about specifically. What has God been teaching you? Have you all surrendered? Are any of you having difficulty surrendering? Trust me, You can't! But He can teach you how if you ask. I think that this blog needs to be lit up! It is absolutely beautful to be involved with a group of believers that are in step with God. Lets take it to the next level of revelation. Lets follow hard after what His next step is, through us,  for Him. WHERE ARE YOU??????????? Jesus, teach me how to obey Your Spirit!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


My "not a fan." bracelet has afforded me a couple of opportunities to share my heart with people. Inspired by my wife (who put it this way first), when I was asked today, "what's that all about? Not a fan of what?"
I replied, "Jesus." And I let it hang there for a minute.
"Ah, not a fan. A believer."
"Not exactly. It's more than that..." The conversations that followed with two of my brothers and one of their friends were good. I can't tell you that I was speaking with immense clarity or powerful conviction. I fumbled through quite a bit. I was able to break the ice on a topic that has been concerning me for a while, though. My family is full of fans. I am afraid that when they meet Jesus he will tell them, "I never knew you." So, I need to really introduce them.

Only, it's not just them. God has laid on my heart for years now to be involved in the second half of our church's mission..."better disciples" or as Phil puts it, "those who know Jesus ought to know him better." When I think of the people who know Jesus, who believe in him, but who are strangers to him...when I think of all the people who may someday come face to face with Christ only to hear, "away from me evildoers," it breaks my heart...and I want to do something about, more than that...I honestly feel like God wants me to do something about it. I feel this welcome conviction.

I don't know what is next for me. I do know I need to get my priorities in line so this mission is in its proper place in my life. I cannot treat it as an interest any longer. It is my purpose.

No reserves.
No retreats.
No regrets.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prayer Requests and Praises for May 6

We praise God that Danee's sister Becky has a new job! We pray that God be with Becky as she has decided to move in with Timmy. Pray that God give James and Danee words of wisdom and love.

We pray that God heal Casey's body and make her feel better. We pray that God give the doctors wisdom and the knowledge to make her well again. We also need to lift up Steve and Casey at this time of decision. We know that this must be difficult and we pray that God rain down his peace and comfort on them. We pray especially for Micah, Malachi and Ephraim as they go through this transition.

We want to lift up a co-worker of Jill, Wendy. She was only 27 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure. They had to take her baby boy by cesarean because Wendy's liver shut down. He was only 2 pounds 4 ounces and 15 inches long. He is breathing on his own. Praise God! Wendy has not seen him as she is still very sick. We pray that God bring healing on her body and strength for her  and her baby to keep getting better every day.

We want to lift up a co-worker of Chris, Peter. He is a non-believer and is against church. He doesn't understand why this is the only religion to believe in. He does believe in God. He called Chris on his way to the airport and asked to pray with him. We pray that God and His Holy Spirit give Chris the words to say while he talks with Peter. We know that he is already working on that as he has talked to him. We pray that while Chris is talking that God open Peter's heart and soften it so he can learn more about Christ.

We pray that God give our group direction for this summer. We pray that He give us the tools that we need to do whatever he asks us to do. We pray that God stretch us and teach us how to be fully devoted followers.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Prayer Requests and Praises for April 29th

Prayer Requests

David's friend from high school, Kevin, came to church. Pray that God will help guide his steps and help him feel a sense of belonging in our church.

Steve, Casey, their family and the families in Africa as New Tribes is closing in their base in Africa. We pray for  guidance, peace and direction. We also pray for the families they will leaving as they are emotionally hurting for them. We pray that this transition, whatever it may be, go as smoothly as it can for them. We pray that God watch over the families in this time of change and that they hold onto the Good News that the Cretsinger's have brought them.


James will be going to Spring Arbor to talk with the Dean of Education to talk about his passion and experiences and possible see if there is a place for him to teach. God is so good and has given James a sense of peace for whatever the outcome is.

Jessica is done with the LPN program! Praise that she has these coming months to enjoy her family and get ready for the baby.

Question from Not a Fan

If you were to die today what would people at work, your friends and family say about you? Is what everyone says the same?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A True Movement of God

Throughout the entirety of my life I have been a believer. I have been a believer in the fact that Christ had died to redeem my debt that I could not repay. I have been a believer that Christ was the Son of God and only through Him could I come to the Father. I went to church nearly every Sunday, I read the Bible from time to time, and I always thought that I was in good shape ( spiritually speaking). Of course I would have my times of a lessened spiritual awareness as well as heightened spiritual awareness, but at no time in my life would I have ever thought that I would have been at the center of a movement of God. At no time would I have thought that I would have been able to really hear Him speak to me or let alone work through me.

I am a dreamer, a guy who often times will have really stupid off the cuff type of dreams. The kind of dreams that when you are actually dreaming, you know that you are dreaming. So for someone like me to say that God has spoken to me through my dreams someone might say that it was just simply that, a dream. These weren't just dreams, they were reality for me at the time. 

Dream 1) 
This dream was really not something that I thought would affect me. You see, for some reason I actually forgot about this dream until last night in church. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Why a dream this significant would hit me over a year later, but as it stands I remember it as clear as day now. I was standing somewhere where the sun had set and the backdrop of the sunset was so beautiful. Every color you can think of! So as I was being enamored with this beauty I was able to focus on a man standing about a hundred yards away from me. Suddenly I realized that all of the beauty from what I originally thought was the sun was really radiating from this man. I focused more on him and realized that it was Jesus, only He was walking away from me. As if He knew when I finally realized that it was Him was when He turned to me waving His arms said " Come To Me". Then He turned and started walking away again. I remember now waking up feeling like I just saw Jesus. It seemed as though time stood still and Holy Crap! I just saw Jesus!

Some time passed as I obviously seemed to forget that I saw Jesus. It began to fade as the importance of "my life" began to creep back into the days and weeks that passed. Now that I look back on it it seems almost unfathomable that I could have been that dead to Him, but I was.

Dream 2)
This one is and has been very difficult to talk about until now. Not because of anything but the sheer beauty in it, not that the first one wasn't beautiful. I was actually sleeping in my dream and was awakened by a strange commotion in the family room. The light was on as well so I thought something was wrong. So I grabbed my gun, chambered a round and started to proceed down the hall. When I was able to see what the commotion was I could have died then and there. In my family room were two large men and my sweet Lillian with a gun to her head. I instantly dropped my gun, and began to plead with them to let her go. I remember not being able to figure out why they were there in the first place. Robbery maybe and Lilly woke up, I don't know. Anyway, I offered to leave Lilly and the rest of my family so they could take anything they wanted. I tried to reason with them. Then the man with the gun glanced at the picture of Jesus  that we have on the wall. He looked back at me as if he had just realized that we were "Christians" and said to me, " I will give back your daughter to you alive and we will leave here if you tell me that He is not your Savior". I want you to denounce that man as God is what he asked me to do.

I began weeping! I only could do one thing. I started to explain to my daughter that I could not do that. I tried to comfort her in her last moments of life. She was crying but in a way that I knew she understood what was about to happen. As time passed so slowly we  talked about how in only moments she will be sitting with Jesus and laughing joyfully and soon I will be with her as I could have only assumed. But, as I began to pray for her in a way that only God could have inspired in me, I woke up. In my bed I was physically crying. Crying for my daughter that I still believed was not with me anymore. My pillow was wet with tears of pain that I have never felt in my entire life even to this day. It was minutes before I finally realized that I still had my Lilly-billy. I could not for the life of me understand what just happened to me. It was so terrible that I absolutely felt no happiness for at least the time it took for God to clarify the dream to me. 

At first I thought that it was a dream that proved to Christ how faithful I would be to him, nope! Then I thought it was a dream to show that maybe I needed to step up my efforts for Him, NOPE! God showed me that night, I think beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I already had Him in my heart, and He was showing me how He already had the highest importance in my life and, I had to know that not Him. It was me that couldn't grasp where my heart had been this entire time. My whole life He had already dwelt in my heart and changed it but I could not grasp that He had already done that for me. It wasn't that I had to change my heart, it was done for me. He let me know that night that I was ready to begin His work. He let me know that night that I was already able to do His work. He let me know that night that it was time for me to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey. I was Abraham and Lilly was Isaac and I was willing to sacrifice my daughter to glorify God. God showed me that night that he was going to begin a blessing through me that is now beginning to show His mighty power. 

So I begin reading, and reading, and reading, and reading. Every single book that I read connects with the next and the next and the next. The scripture connects with a book that connects with a message from Phil that connects with a message from Billy Graham and so on and so on and so on. RIDICULOUS! It got so bad ( or rather amazing) that I would turn on a random speaker from a christian t v station and I would tell Melissa that I bet this connects with that. So I began to read and listen and listen and listen. It is an amazing thing when you begin to hear Gods voice. Many times I would feel Him move me. Many times I could hear His Spirit speak to me and I would listen and I would obey. The more I would listen the more I would hear, the more I would obey the more things He would tell me. CRAZY!

So six months ago or so I started to get these thoughts. I would call them daydreams but I would still be doing whatever it was that I was doing. I would find myself preparing my dads eulogy. I would maybe be actually giving my dads eulogy. No matter what it was it had to do with my dads funeral. As They happened I would try to just push them out as bad thoughts or stupid random events. They didn't seem very crucial to me at the time. Out of nowhere one day though I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that I was supposed to start a small group with my brothers and especially my dad. It seemed strange but as the feeling grew I realized that my family never talked about the very thing that was the most important, our faith. I asked Melissa what she thought and she said it sounded kinda fun.

My dad said NO! Well not actually no but he was not sure that he wanted to. He would think about it. I went to my mom to ask her what she thought and she very wisely said, " pray for him, all you can do is pray for him". So for three weeks I prayed for my dad and my brother and my brother in law. So I confidently went back to my dad and he said yes. I wasn't sure why I felt such an urgency for my dad especially because I still had not connected all the daydreams to this yet. They were still weird random thoughts to me. They quickly became more than random.

After I felt Africa calling me I was really feeling this complete desire to grow. More importantly the desire to follow Christ in everything I would do. It was as if He and I were completely connected, as I believe we were created to be. Well I was experiencing it for the first time. Shortly before my trip I felt a little more fear for my dad. A few more daydreams, which I now believe was the Holy Spirit preparing me for this period in my life. As I was really gearing up to leave and I went to my parents to say goodbye, I felt an emotion with my dad that I have never felt before. My dad was always a lips kisser with our family and I don't know if I was insecure or if it just became a habit but I always went for the cheek. Well that night before I went to Africa I kissed my dad on the lips for the first time in ten years maybe. I don't know why either. I had brief thoughts that I may not see him again. 

To head home after the most life changing experience of my young life you can imagine how excited I was to come home. I asked Melissa how my folks were, and she thought that my dad was doing better. I was able to have one more small group with him. Discussion question: If you were to die tomorrow, what would you be thankful for and what would you regret? That was what we discussed per our Crazy Love Study Guide.
My dad said that he was so thankful that he was learning how to follow Christ and not just say it. He was thankful that the small group was changing his heart. He was thankful for a lot. He had no regrets! None. I think that my dad was in the best spot spiritually that he had ever been. God was and had prepared his heart and spirit for his death on March 30th. The most fascinating part of it all was that on my way up north the day before, I had had the strongest Holy Spirit prompting yet, another eulogy for my dads funeral. Still could not connect the dots because I was not supposed to. And on the day of, I believe at the exact time of my dad's death I read a passage from the Bonhoeffer biography that I was reading, completely magnifying how beautiful Christ' defeat over death truly was. I read it at least five times and could not understand why it meant so much to me. 

Through this experience, I found out that from one conversation I had with someone I know, about a book  I was reading on my front porch after randomly coming home from work early one day, I unknowingly stopped him from doing the same thing that my dad did. I was home early and didn't know why. I was reading on my porch swing and didn't know why. He came to my house in the middle of the day and I didn't know why. We talked about Christ in my life and what He meant to me and I didn't know why. It was when I called him to tell him about my dad's death that he told me why. God had a new plan for him and it wasn't death that day for him. If God had wanted anyone to intercede for my dad than surely it would have happened. 

Our days our numbered in the book of life from before we are born. God new of this day long ago and because he knew of it He also knew how to fulfill it the way that He saw fit. I believe that it is through extreme pain and questions that seeds begin to sprout up. I believe that many who were at the funeral felt the hand of God work in that building. I believe that it was through this event of pain and sorrow that the magnificence of God is being fulfilled. I believe that it gives more reason than ever to depend upon His redemption and His glory. If someone cannot see God's hand in this event well than they just don't have their eyes open. I don't claim to be righteous, I don't claim to be Christlike, but what I do claim and will forever claim is that I choose to trust Him. No matter what the cost to me. I know in my heart that He has started a fire in me that cannot be suppressed, He has moved me as I had asked Him to shortly after the second dream. I have for the first time in my life, experienced a movement of God! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keep Praying

This has been a trying month for our families. Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to the Heydenburgs this week and into next as they cope with their loss. We pray that they are able to celebrate the resurrection and what it means for them this year as they know Al is in his resurrected body alongside Jesus in Glory.

We are playing a special song on Easter Sunday (perhaps - depending on the number of baptisms in each service) that has really resonated with me the past couple of days in light of the Heydenburgs' suffering and the other requests we have right now.

Each family in our group is either working through either physical, emotional, or spiritual difficulty. Between ailments, losses, or suffering loved ones we can all lean on the same kind of prayer. I hope we all find peace and a sense of God's renewing power through the words of this song.

God bless you guys.

With Love,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Prayer Requests and Praises for March 18th

Please be in prayer for Chris as he is wrapping up his last few hours in Africa. We are praying for his safety as he begins his travel home late this evening. We are continuing to pray for Melissa and the kids and pray for a safe trip to Detroit as they pick up Chris tomorrow evening.

We want to lift up Steve and Casey and the work they are doing in Africa. We are so thankful for everything they are doing and pray that they continue to cling to God with all they are dealing with.

James and Danee are needing prayer about selling their car. We need God's guidance and not our own. We do not want to be hasty about selling it. James got an email about 10:30pm Sunday night from Doug Maher asking if anyone had a car to sell a buddy of his. We are prayerfully considering it but the amount is less than we were thinking about asking. This email is very timely considering that we just asked for prayers about 3 hours before the email was sent. We want to make sure this is a God thing and not a hey what a coincidence because we want to get rid of it.

Caleb's medicine just went up and seems to be causing some facial side effects. He has been constantly blinking and we just lift him up that the blinking will subside as his body gets used to the new dose.

We want to be praying for Jessica as she is having anxiety about the delivery of her baby. We pray that God will calm her anxiety and give her the peace and strength she needs for the rest of her pregnancy and while she gives birth to this little boy miracle that God has given her and David.

We give praise to God that Robert's grandpa's surgery went well and they seemed to have gotten all of the cancer and there were fewer tumors than they had originally expected. We lift him up to you LORD as there were fewer tumors but they had to dig a little deeper to get them out. We pray for healing on his body. We also pray for wisdom for his doctors and especially his oncologist as he decides what the next step is.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dying Rather Than Trying

One thing that really resonated with me in the last video was the notion of "dying every day" instead of "trying every day." Trying puts the control in my hands and enables me to say, "well, I tried" at the end of the day. It releases me of responsibility if I fail, but gives me all the credit if I succeed.

On the contrary, dying daily places all responsibility on me when I fail and releases me from credit when I am successful because dying daily requires me to hand everything over to God. If the day does not go how it should, chances are I got in the way. I probably tried to do it on my own, my way, without prayer and petition.

So, every day since last Sunday (with a couple exceptions) I have started the day with a simple prayer. "Lord, I surrender to you today. I die to my ambitions. I die to my desires. I die to my will, to my temper, to my words, to my work, to my relationships, to everything. Lord, kill the me residing within this body and live here instead. 'For it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.' Please be seen and heard through me today."

I am trying to do my job in 45 hours a week. For Lent, I gave up about 10 hours of work a week. I haven't made it yet, but have come very close. This act of leaning on him, coupled with my daily prayer, asking God to kill my selfish ambition and vein conceit, I have found more patience, more time for my family, more rest. I am enjoying my work more than I have in years and I am gaining clarity regarding how to pray for God's will in my life.

The convergence of my Lay Ministry Life Team, devotion, reading, and our Life Team is honestly changing me.

How are you all feeling right now? How is God working in your life? Where is life finding you?

This blog started strong and has been quiet for a while...let's light it up right now. I'm praying for you and would love to hear from you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prayer Requests and Praises for March 4th

As we pray this week we have a lot of requests. As you think of them during the week take that as an opportunity to lift someone up to God and give their request to Him.

Prayer Requests

Chris - leaving for Africa Tuesday ~ 6th and will return on the 21st. Pray for safe travels, guidance, good health and protection. Pray that God will do a work in him and through him. We are so proud to have a member of our group going and helping our brothers and sisters in Christ in another part of the world. We look forward to hearing about how God used you in Guinea!

Melissa and kids - strength and guidance for Melissa while Chris is gone. We pray for a sense of security and peace for the kids.

Aaron's mom - had sepsis (bacteria in her blood) and pneumonia. Her ports removed due to infection from the sepsis. Has to eat on her own. She has a few more chemo treatments.  We pray for healing and strength for her body.

Jessica's dad - PRAISE that his surgery went well last Wednesday! He is back in the hospital because his bowels are partially paralyzed. This has made his stomach descend which is causing more pain to the area that had surgery. He cannot have any pain medication because it causes constipation. We pray for healing on his body and wisdom for the doctors.

Robert's grandpa - he is doing better ~ will be going to see the oncologist who will determine if he will have surgery on the 13th. We pray for knowledge for the doctors and God's presence for his grandpa.

Caleb - going back to the doctor Tuesday to help determine what the next step is. He has had 2 appointments. We pray for a sense of discernment  in this situation.

Justin and Kelly - learning to live without Chris. We pray for strength and comfort for them, especially Kelly during this time.


Danee - lump is gone! Praise God!

Robert - back in school starting in May. Depending on time and scheduling he should be there 3 semesters then plans to transfer to Spring Arbor University. We pray that God will calm any anxiety that goes along with making big decisions.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

His Divine Intervention

       A "theme" that has been a small topic of conversation between a few of us recently has really been weighing on me the last few days. I've been trying to post something on it but for some reason I could only comment. It's taken care of now though so here's my post. The theme that we have touched on back and forth is true faith.

     What I have been hearing from this idea actually has also been stemming from our recent action of posting our prayer requests. Ya know, there is a significant connection between the two. I do not mean for this to sound offensive to anyone because I am speaking for myself here as well. Sometimes, not always, I think that when we pray for something  but preemptively include the words "if its Your will God"; it leaves room to be let down. Christ tells us that faith can move mountains! Can you all really believe that? Can I? It sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me but I really am starting to believe that. That is not to say that it would ever really make any sense for us to move a mountain by faith. Maybe we should just leave the actual mountain moving to God.

     We all have mountains in our lives though. We have to stop praying with a questioning heart and start praying with real faith behind it. Why are we afraid to pray for actual healing in friends like Chris Newman, Roberts grandpa, or Aaron's mom. Christ has given us authority to pray for real action. Yes, there is definitely an element of Gods will in everything, and it is likely that he has specific plans for peoples earthly lives, but how many times in the bible did a believer pray to God with authority and change Gods heart. I would think that millions were saved throughout the ages because of prayer with real faith.

     I am now starting to sense even as I write this that prayer without faith behind it may just be a little more than asking God for a favor. God I'm sure loves our praises and I'm sure hears our prayers even now but I just can't help but think that He is just sitting up there waiting for us to raise our prayers to Him with the absolute faith that when we ask for healing - we get it! When we ask for a spiritual awakening - we get it! When we ask for anything that a true believer in Christ could possibly need - WE GET IT!!! No more "if it be your will God" questioning prayers. There is no faith in a question like that. "If it's your will" gives more room for our " lack of faith " to be proven.

     As I said I am generally speaking here to us, not to just you guys. Collectively I think that our group can really start making a difference in peoples lives. Spoken words might possibly be just words without faith. I've touched on in the past a bit how I think that we have just started to scratch the surface on what God has in store for us as real believers in Christ. Our finite minds have a real difficult time understanding the greatness of God, but I also believe that our finite minds have a tool that can be used to reach into Gods heart and ask for Him to really give us  His Divine Intervention. Faith is everything!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I was challenged last year to give something up for Lent...something that I would actually notice. I opted for chocolate. It was a small step into a powerful experience. It worked, too. I made it through Easter without eating chocolate. Yeah for me. Every time I wanted chocolate, I was reminded to pray in my temptation. I know this is trivial, but I started small on purpose. 

This year needed to be different. I have been praying for a few days about what to give up for Lent. It needed to be something more significant than sweets. It needed to be something that I could connect to our studies with "Not a Fan." I wanted to choose something that interferes with my relationship with Jesus. The idea is that I will tackle something that enslaves me, something that I feel captive to. 

It's no secret that I have struggled to find balance with my work for the past two years or so. I realized last night that I have really never had that balance. I am just becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the amount of time my career takes away from my family and the energy it takes away from my ministry. I have become so focused on the tasks at hand, I have even lost touch of the opportunities to minister (or lost sight of how I already do minister) in my job. 

So, I am fasting work this Lenten season. I am getting down to 45 hours a week at the school. This will mean cutting off an hour every morning and at least half and hour every the occasional 4 hour Saturday work session. 

I know this is not possible without God's intervention. I need to be a better husband for my wife, a better father for my kids, and a better follower for my Lord. I need to find balance. 

Danee, Elijah, and I are all giving up something that we feel gets in the way of our relationship with Christ...even if it is only occasionally. I am really excited for our family as I step confidently into this season, prepared to rely completely on God for healing, revelation, and growth. 

My prayer tonight for our group is that each person will hear God's voice, deny him/herself, pick up his/her cross daily, and follow Him. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Prayer Requests

One of the growing points for our small group lies in what we share, or don't share, in regard to prayer requests and praises. As close as we are, many of us have neglected to share some pretty significant requests in the past. This may be due to self-consciousness, absent-mindedness, or any of a long list of reasons.

Danee and I both hope that sharing prayer requests on the blog will give us the opportunity to be there for one another in prayer consistently. That way, if there are issues preventing us from sharing requests when we are together, perhaps we can overcome them through this medium.

I have to admit, I thought of a prayer request on Sunday and opted not to share it. I honestly got tired of hearing myself ask for prayer for so long, so on the rare occasion that I do have a request, I tend to keep it to myself. So, this avenue for communicating requests is just as much for me as for anyone.

So, here I am, sending out the first "blog prayer request." It's an unspoken. I know, that was a lot of build up for no detail...sorry. I would just appreciate your prayers.


As we learn to use this resource to hold one another up, I pray that it will strengthen the time we spend in prayer when we are together.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Prayer Requests/Praises for 2/19/12

As you are praying this week please remember to pray for the following:

  • going to Africa to work with Steve on building a church
  • will be gone from March 6 - 21 (waiting on visa then will book travel arrangements)
  • family, especially Lilly, in preparation and while he is gone
  • pray that the Holy Spirit will be working in and through him as he prepares to go and while he is in Africa

  • going to psychriatrist on Tuesday (2/21) due to behavior issues
  • pray for wisdom for the doctor, Jill and Robert

  • anxious about bump behind right ear
  • going to an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor on Wednesday (2/22)
  • pray wisdom for the doctor and that he will be able to figure out what the bump is

  • attending and working at Ramah International seminar
  • wants to get involved with the Center for Women
  • needs help balancing everything with kids, home, school, etc.
  • 3 exams tomorrow (Monday 2/20)


Worship services are going amazingly well

Kid City -  going well with worship

Soup Connection is bringing people to church

Please feel free to write any prayer requests or praises on the blog so we can be in connection with each other during the week. This will also give us the opportunity to pray for each other better.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

where I am at right now

I have been, for the past few days, no more like the past month, lukewarm. I cannot seem to shake it but I feel like as I am trying to better myself and live for Christ, Satan is doing his best to bring me down. This time of the year is especially hard on me because it is so yucky outside and is it winter or spring who knows. I started to notice last night that even though I am reading in the Word and in prayer throughout the day the "dark" moments are winning.

Recently I asked God what He wanted me to read in the Bible and I felt like He wanted me to read Esther and Daniel. Both of those books talk about how God is in control of everything. I know that God is working in my life through what He wants me to read in the Bible, going through not a fan, and weigh down. In all of that I need to remember that He is in control NOT me. I will never be able to be the woman He needs me to be if I do not let Him fully and completely take over my life. I will never be able to lose the weight if I do not go to Him when I am having a hard time and want to eat but am not truly hungry. I am realizing that as I write that how much He is trying to talk to me and help me give 100% of myself to Him and not try to keep even 1/2% for myself. He wants all of me not most of me. I need to be able to teach and show my kids that as well. How will that look if I am like "give your all to Christ" but I keep some for myself? That is just not okay. "LORD I give my ALL to YOU." 
I am actually reading Job with James at night. Like with Esther and Daniel I asked God where to go next in my readings and He lead me to Job. Job talks about the meaning of true faith. I feel like God wanted me to read through Esther and Daniel so I can learn to give all of my control to Him and now He wants me to learn to have true faith in Him at all times, even the dark ones.  Job was tested by horrific suffering and then tempted by Satan. He wanted Job to think that God’s way of governing the world was not good and tried to drive a wedge between their relationship. Now I have not suffered like Job did but I feel like because I am trying to become who God wants me to be Satan is trying to drive a wedge between my relationship with God. I know that I can conquer Satan’s attacks with the help of God. I need to remember my life verse in Philippians 4:13 that “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Who else do I need? Not food, myself getting in the way, no one but Jesus. I know that He’s got my back.  

This song by Chris Tomlin seems very fitting.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Box labeled "Jesus"

     Does anyone here ever think about how big God really is? For some reason I was thinking about that the other day. I think that as I was trying to live my day out with Christ maybe He was trying to help me understand as much of that as was possible in this moment in my faith. I was actually a little bit awestruck for that first time in a long time.
     He is so magnificently, beautifully, and glorifyingly large that we as small minded human beings can't really begin to comprehend that. I think that it actually is His Glory that is so unimaginable. I think that the vast size and beauty of the earth alone is only a small taste of what He has in store for us as His creation. I think that the Glory that God infused with His creation is really all that He knew we could understand. As part of His creation, its easy to say that His Heavenly beauty will be more than we can imagine, but no matter how hard we try, we can not comprehend the true beauty of His plan fulfilled. Its actually very difficult right now to put it all into words that can even describe the thoughts in my mind.
     So God, infinately larger than the earth and heavens themself, fits in this little tiny box that we allow Him to remain in right? Is that even possible? We try to believe that it is don't we? I think that giving God a compartment in our lives, even a large one, really dulls down the Glory that He wants people to see in us. We have a lot of boxes. Some that are really important, some that aren't. Most of us have so many boxes that we have all rented out a storage unit so we can keep them for another time. Ya know, when we finally realize that our boxes are getting in the way. Maybe sometimes we can go to the storage unit and drop off a box or two, and replace them with one that's been in storage for a while. I can even say that I have dropped of my Jesus box from time to time. Too many boxes! I think it's time for a major garage sale.
     Do we actually think that we can squeeze Jesus in a box and put it away until we need Him? Christ is the One and only that can decide if anyone should be in a box or not. He absolutely does not even consider putting us in a box that He can put away until He feels like playing with us. We have an uncanny ability to play God don't we? What if we felt like we didn't need any more boxes? What if we lived like we didn't have any more boxes?
     I am really starting to realize for the first time in my life how much more God has to offer us. We just choose not to receive it. A new insight was revealed to me recently. Before the fall of Adom, we all thought that he was naked and just didn't know it. Maybe, but I feel that maybe he was actually clothed in the Glory of God. Why else would it have been possible for him to stand in the garden with God. Everybody since then, until Jesus, would have been consumed by God. Moses, as Holy as he was couldn't even see His face or he would have been consumed. Imagine for a moment, being clothed in God's Glory. He offers that to us every single day and we choose not to receive It. I say, that for me, I am done with my compartments and boxes. I want Christ to clothe me with His Glory so everyone can see IT. I want every box in my life to be labeled "CHRIST"!