Saturday, July 14, 2012

Devotions Week of 7-15-12

Read: Matthew 5:48

Consider: Recall what we discussed about the word "perfect" when we last met. God wants his people to be set apart, noticeably different from the culture in which we reside. After all, we are alien residents of this world if we truly live in (and for) the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pray: Ask God to reveal how Jesus' words show us how to be different, set apart, holy. Pray that his truth resonate with you as you live your life for him this week.

Read: Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18

Consider: Jesus identifies three different practices here that, in their truest form, are  beautiful acts of worship. He also gives a warning with each. How are these warnings similar? Why are they important? Have you ever put yourself in a position so people would notice you praying, giving to the needy, or fasting? Have you ever been disappointed when you didn't receive accolades for doing these things?

PrayListen to "Garden" by NeedtoBreathe. If you don't have the song handy, look it up on YouTube. The words speak from a sincere desire to give yourself to Christ, modeling his own example of obedience. 

As you listen, pray that God would grant you an attitude of humble obedience and the ability to deny yourself so that he may be glorified through your words and actions. 

Read: Matthew 6:9-15

Consider: The word "as" in 6:12 means, in the original language, "in the same manner." Therefore, when we pray, we are to ask God to forgive our sins in the same manner in which we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. 

Think for a moment about what that means. We know that our sins are separated from us as far as the east is from the west. God counts forgiven sins as forgotten. He doesn't hold grudges, remind you of when you messed up in the past, or save your past sins to use as leverage when he needs something from you. He doesn't lord sins over you, look at you shamefully when you repeat a previously forgiven sin, or tell everyone about how you wronged him. 

When God forgives you, he wipes the slate clean and thinks about it no more. THAT is how we are to forgive others. Powerful, releasing, self-denying forgiveness. 

Pray: Thank God for his amazing grace and loving forgiveness. Pray for the ability to forgive others with your whole heart. Pray for the ability to release the sin and never think of it again. Pray that you can give with the same measure that was given to you. 

Read: Matthew 6:25-33

Consider: Who of you by worrying has added one day to your life? When we worry, we display a lack of trust in God. Do you trust him with your kids? Your spouse? Your drive to work? What about your bills? Your schedule? Your in-laws?

What if we replace the word worry with the word stress? Stress reveals the same lack of trust in God's provision.

Think back over your past five days. What has stressed you out? What has worried you? How often did you go to God about those things? How often did you go to him before you started stressing or worrying? 

Pray: Pray for trust. Ask God to reveal what it is that causes you stress and give that to God. Ask him to take it and do with it whatever he wants. Thank God that he is in control so you don't have to be.

Read: Matthew 6:33

Consider: What are your priorities? After what things in life do you chase? Look at your calendar and your checkbook. What do these tell you about your priorities?

The word "first" in Matthew 6:33 refers to primacy, priority. It is not an ordinal number, like "do this first, do that second." Jesus is telling us that seeking God's Kingdom and his righteousness needs to be the number one priority in our life. It needs to take precedence over everything else. When we do that, everything else will be taken care of. He will clothe us, feed us, supply our every need.

Pray: Pray for God to fill you with a desire to seek FIRST his Kingdom and his righteousness. Pray for the desire to long for Jesus above all else. Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken in you such a longing for the Kingdom of God that all else will leave you empty, reminding you that He is the only thing in life that can fully satisfy.

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