This is my first time actually posting on the blog! I have something I am hoping you guys will be up for. Remember the praise night we held a couple of years ago in the commons? I know when we originally planned that, we talked about possibly asking for donations for Robert to do Soles 4 Souls and that ended up changing because the trip didn't work out. My question is, first of all, would you guys be willing to do another praise night? Secondly, if you guys are up for it, could we do it to try and raise funds for my niece's team for JDRF? This is our second year of being involved with JDRF and our team is way behind on the fundraising. I know we had talked about trying to do some community outreach this summer, and this is probably not what anyone had in mind, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. So think about it, pray about it and maybe we can talk about it at our next meeting.
Also, here is a video my sister made for Ava.
We could totally use this video and play a song behind it. Any word from your sister about her team getting some sponsors?